How do Belarusian citizens use their Egypt e-Visa?
Belarusian individuals should print and keep the e-Visa Approval email together with their passport. Before entering Egypt, you must submit both your passport and your Egypt e-Visa clearance to border security. Belarusian travelers are recommended to book a flight from Egypt before their Egypt e-Visa expires to avoid overstay costs. Tourists who want to stay in Egypt for a little longer can leave briefly and apply for another e-visa.
Upon arrival in Egypt, Belarusian citizens will undergo the regular immigration procedures. The immigration officer will verify the e-visa and passport before granting entry into the country. It is important to note that having an approved e-visa does not guarantee entry into Egypt, as the final discretion lies with the immigration officer.
Once inside Egypt, Belarusian citizens can enjoy all that this fascinating country has to offer. From exploring ancient pyramids and temples to relaxing on beautiful beaches, Egypt offers a wide range of attractions for every traveler.